Green Space Alliance
Improving health, wellbeing and liveability by using innovative water and urban planning solutions
The Greenspace Alliance was formed in 2014 as an informal industry group to provide a united voice on green space issues to the Western Australian Government, the GSA has matured into a representative alliance with the following vision: “To live in a community that values green spaces at its core, which deliver benefits to everyone through improved health, wellbeing and liveability by using innovative water and urban planning solutions.”
In light of concerns regarding the future of natural green space for Perth and surrounds, a group of horticulture industry members and aligned bodies from Western Australia formed the Green Space Alliance . GSA members include the following; Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA), Australian Institute of Horticulture (AIH), City of Belmont, Landscape Industry Assn WA (LIAWA), Grey Water Industry Group (GWIG), Horticultural Media Association WA (HMA WA), Nursery and Garden Industry Assn WA (NGIAWA), Parks and Leisure Assn WA (PLAWA), Sports Turf Assn (WA) (STA (WA)), Perth NRM, Tree Guild WA and Turf Growers Association WA (TGAWA)
“To live in a community that values green spaces at its core, which deliver benefits to everyone through improved health, wellbeing and liveability by using innovative water and urban planning solutions.”
“All Western Australians have access to high quality green space – through advocacy, collaboration and awareness of relevant issues (water, location and quantity).
The Green Space Alliance (GSA) aims to ensure all Western Australians have access to quality green space through advocacy, collaboration and awareness of relevant issues; water, location and quality.
Perth’s vibrant green spaces are crucial to our health and way of life however they are at risk of being lost by being increasingly threatened from urbanization and degradation. The continued growth of Perth’s metropolitan footprint places great pressure on land space and water resources, and as a result the provision of adequate green space has become a major challenge.
The Green Space Alliance (GSA), a group of Western Australian amenity horticulture industry bodies and aligned organisations, are working together to promote the benefits of green space in all its forms, including parks and recreational reserves, civic spaces, residential gardens and the urban forest more broadly.
The GSA believe Perth has reached a critical point in time where action must be taken to protect existing and future green space availability and have recently launched a discussion paper and position statement entitled ‘Improving Urban Liveability’.
The GSA seeks to advocate to key decision makers and stakeholders for policy reform which will deliver healthy and resilient communities.
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Green Space Alliance Wins AIH award 2017
AIH Inaugural Green Space Rural Award
This nomination is for the Green Space Alliance (GSA) for their achievement over three years in the promotion more and better quality green space in Western Australia and for the improvement in livability of its citizens.
Presented by Kim Morris FAIH RH.
Accepted by Neville Passmore & Glenice Batchelor.